Seed Stewards is a hub where we can consider the web of relations that have connected and sustained human and plant communities for time immemorial.
What are the stories carried by our seeds?
What are the histories illuminated by our foods?
How can we collectively tend to plants and seeds in order to amplify and grow our traditions?
This platform is a way to bring us together to learn, listen and strategize.
SHARE recipes, stories, memories with one another!
LEARN and NERD out about the interesting lives of your favorite crops
CREATE a cultural memory bank, with activities and zines for kids and families
BE INSPIRED by farmers and surprise guests, such as chefs, seed keepers, aunties, and more.
We believe that by recognizing the ways culture and plants inform each others’ evolutions, we can foster biodiversity, healthier ecosystems, and a more equitable food system.
This season we'll be supporting a cohort of "Seed Fellows" on a yearlong project. Come learn more about the processes that are reflected in our seeds!
Seed Stewards is a program of Second Generation Seeds. We are a collective of Asian American growers, inviting our community to lift up our narratives around Asian crops and their foodways.
All Seed Steward members will have access to:
Your contribution and membership will support the network of farmers, chefs, organizers, educators, and designers that help make Seed Stewards happen!